
Do You Thank Yourself Often? Learn Self Gratitude!

Do you thank yourself enough? When was the last time you actually appreciated yourself?

A biker showing Thank You Placard. 
Thank Yourself blog article by Gaurav Sinha
Photo by Benjamin Suter on Unsplash

“Thanks” is one of the first few words we learn as a kid. We are told that it’s a wonderful gesture to be grateful to those who do you a favour. As we grow older, Thanks becomes a customary word rather than a heartfelt gesture. What we rarely learn, though, is to appreciate ourselves. Do you remember when was the last time you actually thought about it? Let’s talk about self-appreciation!

Gratitude Begins With Self Appreciation

The Best Gift is You! Self Gratitude is important.
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

We keep saying charity begins at home. Similarly, gratitude also starts with self. You need to learn to appreciate yourself if you are not doing it already. It’s simple; you can only give what you have, be it hatred, bitterness, pity, kindness, love, or gratitude.

Being grateful and kind to yourself is also essential for mental wellness. There is no doubt world is a competitive place, and at times we ask too much from ourselves. Even a small setback or so-called failure rattles our minds, and we put the entire blame on ourselves. While taking ownership and responsibility makes absolute sense, to take too much stress and put your mental wellness at risk is not a good habit.

Be Grateful For Everything

Thankful and Blessed Poster. Don't forget to thank yourself.
Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

Being grateful for everything? Does this even make sense? Nothing good has happened in this entire year. 2020 has been a disaster, to say the least, and the future doesn’t look too good with the recession, and god knows by when vaccination will start.

These are few thoughts that may have zoomed across your mind. You are correct; it’s not easy to accept the hardships and kind of losses you may have seen or currently going through. However, if you think of it, we now at least know how to live in changing scenarios. and not completely clueless about the future.

You did your best and that’s what matters!

There are many stories of self-realization and discoveries; people appreciating health and wellness. I came across this interesting thought on Facebook Page called Elephant motivation. 

I don't know who needs to hear this but your choice to give up the last 7 months of your regular life being careful and socially distancing could very well be the reason someone else is alive today and it will always have been worth it. - Elephant panda FB page.
Anything you are doing within your power is worth feeling good about!

We keep saying we are itching to travel, go out to eat. However, this opens up a totally different perspective. By giving up on many things and staying indoors, you may have saved many lives. Who wouldn’t feel proud of saving others? It’s a superpower!

Self Love and Gratitude Quotes

Gratitude Kills! It kills self pity, jealousy, bitterness, and regret. - Marie Forleo, Gratitude Quotes

We are lucky to be in a time when we can find life-changing thoughts and mood-lifting music at one click or touch. Here are five quotes by Oprah Winfrey about Gratitude and Self-love that I like and are simply riveting. I’m sure you must have read them. However, these are worth revisiting again and again. These are in no particular order. However, the first one is my favourite.

  • The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
  • Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never, ever have enough.
  • Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.
  • I just made gratitude a daily priority. I went through the day looking for things to be grateful for, and something always showed up.
  • To love yourself is a never-ending journey.

Be Kind and Thank Yourself

Self gratitude means being kind to yourself. If you made a mistake, it’s okay. Accept it, own it, learn from it, and move on. While you can find thousands of reasons to appreciate and thank yourself, here are five things you should be proud of and thankful for.

Thank Yourself For..

..being you!

..making mistakes!

..not giving up!

..being strong!

..being alive!

It's been that weird kind of year.
The heartbeat of fear is all one can hear.
tragedies, losses are almost everywhere.
Emotions of hatred have grown in abundance.
Have we gone too far?
Are we beyond repentance?
You end up asking, is everything lost?
Remember, all will never be lost.
Love and kindness are damn strong.
can't be overshadowed for too long.
Keep praying, hold on to hope.
This is not the time to stop, Not Yet!
Give it all your might.
For the sprint is toughest,
When the finishing line 
is within our sight.
A poem by Gaurav Sinha @
Poem I wrote few days ago!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, Thank you for reading my blog and being kind enough to give generous feedback.  Oh, wait. I also thank myself for writing and sharing these words; after all, it’s all about self-appreciation.

How about creating a thank you note for yourself? Give it a try. Do share and spread the good vibes.

If you did not find time to read my last blog article earlier, You can read it here.

Thank you !

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